Rock bands have been using images to spice up their live performances ever since the psychedelic light shows of the '0s. But Downy is probably unique among rock bands in having one member (Zakuro) whose job description is "image producer". The aim of Zakuro and the four other members of Downy during their live shows is to create "an amalgam of sound and images," in which the highly atmospheric, hypnotic and at times menacing sound of the band is complemented by Zakuro's relentless barrage of surreal imagery. Downy doesn't use conventional stage lighting during live shows; instead, images are projected onto a white curtain at the back of the stage, with the possibility of improvisatory effects being created between the music and the images. Downy's music stands on its own, however. A mesmerizing blend of loops, understated drum-and-bass, acidic guitar and lead singer Robin Aoki's sometimes melancholy, sometimes apocalyptic voice, Downy's musical style is reminiscent of Radiohead, but is generally more spacy and ethereal than Thom Yorke and co. Sometimes, though, Downy pulls out all the stops and gets down to a kind of hard metallic thrashing that brings Joy Division to mind. In 2001 Downy released their first album, Mudai (which means "Untitled" - Downy have used the same non-title for the three albums it has released since their debut set), and since then they'e become highly respected by the Japanese underground music cognoscenti. A key contributor to Downy's soundcscapes is engineer Toshihiko Miyoshi, who has worked with DJ Krush, Tha Blue Herb and Zeebra.
collapseArticle - Courtesty of
01. 酩酊フリーク (Meitei Freak)
02. 野ばなし (Nobanashi)
03. 昭和ジャズ (Shoowa Jazz)
04. 左の種 (Hidari No Shu)
05. 狂わない窓 (Kuruwanai Mado)
06. アンテナ頭 (Antenna Atama)
07. 62回転 (62-Kaiten)
08. 麗日 (Reihi)
09. 脱力紳士 (Datsuryoku Shinshi)
10. 猿の手柄 (Saru No Tegara)
02. 野ばなし (Nobanashi)
03. 昭和ジャズ (Shoowa Jazz)
04. 左の種 (Hidari No Shu)
05. 狂わない窓 (Kuruwanai Mado)
06. アンテナ頭 (Antenna Atama)
07. 62回転 (62-Kaiten)
08. 麗日 (Reihi)
09. 脱力紳士 (Datsuryoku Shinshi)
10. 猿の手柄 (Saru No Tegara)
01. 葵 (Aoi)
02. 夜の淵 (Yoru No Fuchi)
03. 黒い雨 (Kuroi Ame)
04. 象牙の塔 (Zooge No Too)
05. 三月 (Sangatsu)
06. 無空 (Mugara)
07. 犬枯れる (Inu Kareru)
08. 月が見ている (Tsuki Ga Mite Iru)
02. 夜の淵 (Yoru No Fuchi)
03. 黒い雨 (Kuroi Ame)
04. 象牙の塔 (Zooge No Too)
05. 三月 (Sangatsu)
06. 無空 (Mugara)
07. 犬枯れる (Inu Kareru)
08. 月が見ている (Tsuki Ga Mite Iru)

01. 鉄の風景 (Tetsu no Fuukei)
02. アーキーダンス (Anarchy Dance)
03. 抒情譜 (Jojoofu)
04. 形而上学 (Keijijogaku)
05. 暁にて・・・ (Akatsuki ni Te)
06. 「 」
07. 苒 (Zen)
08. 月 (Tsuki)
09. 酩酊フリーク (Meteii Freak)
02. アーキーダンス (Anarchy Dance)
03. 抒情譜 (Jojoofu)
04. 形而上学 (Keijijogaku)
05. 暁にて・・・ (Akatsuki ni Te)
06. 「 」
07. 苒 (Zen)
08. 月 (Tsuki)
09. 酩酊フリーク (Meteii Freak)

01. 弌 (Ishi)
02. △ (Delta)
03. Underground
04. Fresh
05. 漸 (Zen)
06. サンキュー来春 (Thank You Raishun)
07. 木蓮 (Mokuren)
08. 「 」
09. 暗闇と賛歌 (Kurayami To Sanka)
02. △ (Delta)
03. Underground
04. Fresh
05. 漸 (Zen)
06. サンキュー来春 (Thank You Raishun)
07. 木蓮 (Mokuren)
08. 「 」
09. 暗闇と賛歌 (Kurayami To Sanka)
Wow it's so hard to find these albums online. Would you mind to re upload Mudai 1, Mudai 3, and Mudai 4? Mudai 2 is still reachable.