I'm terrible with writing bio's on bands and can never adequately describe things the way I would like but hopefully this will convey a little bit how awsome these guys are and what they are about:
"The musical machine gun of Wil Vocac and Ben Schreiber's finger-tapped guitars is still there, but the addition of Daniel Francis' vocals has pushed the group into uncharted territory. One could go on and on about the ways in which Francis bounces from expression to expression, often ripping into a soulful cry before sinking into a whisper (give the standout "Built To Last" a try). His rambling lyrics drop facts, allusions, secrets, and tall-tales with equal earnestness and we're not sure whether to believe all of it or none of it. The sheer excitement his stories offer sprints arm-in-arm with the sparkling guitars with an incredibly balanced, energetic effect." -AbsolutePunk.
-I'll insert my 2 two cents and be done with this (I have'nt reviewed a ton of albums so bear with me if this is lacking in any way). For a band that started out initially as an being instrumental to go on and add a vocalist (skilled at that) to the mix and have the end result sound like he should've been there from the start is impressive to say the least. The guitar work in insane, putting even some seasoned vets to shame. Overall this is a gem that will probably go overlooked by most but for those who do stumble upon it, you will be rewarded. Yes, I know this came out in 2009 but it still sounds better than alot of stuff I've heard this year. Take a listen for yourself.

Track List
1. Bermuda Triangles
2. A Live Nativity Scene
3. Built to Last*
4. Say Matte
5. Edie & the Marble Faun*
6. Glaciar de las Lágrimas
7. Just Hey
8. Honestly, Really?
9. Fish Milk
10. Smile Like a Switch
"A Live Nativity" music video >>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk11sQx0yt4
My first review. I know, I have alot to learn but this was my first stab at it. Don't be too harsh, I'd appreciate it.